MSU Libraries overall Newspaper Guide. Table of contents is along left side.
Alphabetical list begins here, re French papers.
A research guide from Bowling Green State University Library in Ohio with links to freely available newspapers online for Europe, arranged by country. Scroll down not quite half way and look for France on the left.
Le Monde, one of the greatest contemporary French newspapers, with a center left stance but noted for its political independence, began at the instigation of Charles De Gaulle in 1944. It is also noted for balanced coverage, deep analysis of historical events, and adherence to high intellectual and journalistic standards. Coverage begins online spring, 2021 with 1944-1980. MSU Libraries owns microfilm (set 1600 in Remote Storage) for 1956 and 1965-1980.
Le Monde Diplomatique. French periodical devoted to international relations and diplomacy. Issues from 2006-. Back issues since June, 1997 in Remote Storage Oversize at JX 3 .M65. English language edition, 1998-.
Website from Bibliotheque Nationale de France (BNF) offering access to some 2000 French newspapers. May offer some freely available content. Makes available over 15 million newspaper articles from three centuries. Search in broad categories: arts, catastrophes, conflicts/international relations, economics, education, justice, media, politics, religion, health, sciences, society, sports/leisure.