Use the catalog to find materials owned by the library, including books, videos, music CDs, and resources in electronic formats.
Try UBorrow when the book you need is checked out or not owned by MSU Libraries. UBorrow offers 12 week loan periods and 72-hour business day turnaround and should be the borrowing option you try first.
WorldCat is a catalog of books and other materials held in libraries worldwide. Contains more than 52,000,000 bibliographic records representing 400 languages.
Offers the ability to search and mine the Union Catalog of Europe’s National Libraries and offers bibliographic information and content from many prestigious research libraries. See "Services for Researchers" for details.
Library of Congress Subject heading strings are far from intuitive!
Authors, Spanish -- Classical period, 1500-1700 -- Biography.
Spanish drama -- Classical period, 1500-1700 -- History and criticism.
Theater -- Spain -- History.
Most likely you will begin your research with a Keyword search for the name of an author or work.
Digitalia Hispanica offers thousands of e-books from Spain, Latin America and the Caribbean covering a wide range of humanities and social science subjects.
See options for borrowing different types of materials (books, articles, theses, etc.) from other libraries. Most of the time you will probably just link from the catalog and other databases to the appropriate loan request form.
Ask Mary Jo Zeter, Latin American & Caribbean Studies Bibliographer