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Michigan State University

Stable Links for Electronic Resources

This is a how-to guide for creating permanent, stable links to MSU-owned full-text articles from online journals, e-books, and streaming video or other media.

Creating Stable Links in EBSCO

Click the hyperlinked title of the article. Your screen should look similar to the one shown below. In the toolbar to the right, select the Permalink icon. A bar containing a URL should appear above the article title.



  1. Copy the URL in the Permalink bar,uid,cookie&db=c9h&AN=105507584&site=eds-live.
  2. Since this link already includes, this is your stable link.  If this link did not include,, or, you would need to add to the front of the URL for it to work correctly.
  3. There should be a PDF Full Text option on the left hand side when viewing the stable link.


See Stable Links Tips & Tricks for troubleshooting suggestions if your stable link does not work as expected.