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Women in Medieval Society: Guides to the Literature of History, Medieval Studies, Women's Studies, Art History, the Internet

This is a guide to researching women in the Middle Ages in England and Western Europe

Guides to the Literature of History, Medieval Studies, Women's Studies, Art History, the Internet

Classen, ed. Handbook of Medieval Studies.  Main D 117 .H37 2010 v. 1-3  Volume 1, pp. 594-601 surveys the state of scholarship on gender studies in medieval  studies.  Vol. 1 pp. 540-549 surveys feminism.  The body, vol. 1, pp. 1450-1458. Possibly other useful chapters also.

American Historical Association's Guide to Historical Literature, Ref. and Main D 20 .A55 1995 v. 1, section 20 "Medieval Europe." See the layout of the section on p. 625. Chronological approach with sub-sections on geographic areas. Short annotations. Points to book length material only. Information on reference sources is limited. Emphasis is on good books in the field to read.

Whitford, ed. Reformation and Early Modern Europe, a Guide to Research, Main BR 305.3 .R42 2008 Bibliographic essays by many scholars. Three parts: Confessional trends (Lutheran, Reformed, Catholic, Radical, Jewish), regional trends (Central Europe, France, Italy, England, The Netherlands, Spain, Swiss), and social/cultural trends (popular religion, witchcraft, society and sexes, art history, books and printing).

Cahiers de Civilisation Medievale  Remote Storage CB 351 .A1 C3 (back issues).  Current issues in Periodical Storage Basement Center. 

DMC, 4 West has CD Rom of content 1983-2002.  Published since 1958 by Universite de Poitiers this aims to provide a comprehensive, current bibliography of monographs worldwide and listings of miscellany volumes (conference proceedings, essay collections, festschriften.) Full texts of  1958-2007 available online via PERSEE.  There will be overlap in content between this and International Medieval Bibliography (see the Annual Bibliographies and Index to Articles section of this research guide), but the latter is just an index to material, whereas the Cahiers... has some articles and a great many book reviews in each issue.

Paetow, Guide to the Study of Medieval History, 1931, rpt. 1959, rev. 1980. Remote Storage Z 6203 .P19 1931 and  Main 1980. Bibliographical works, reference works (dated), modern works (also dated), large collections of original sources, general history and medieval culture (dated).

Boyce, Literature of Medieval History, 1930-1975, a Supplement to Louis John Paetow's Guide to the Study of Medieval History, Main Z 6203 .P25 1980 Supp. V. 1-5. Similar arrangement to Paetow. Now also dated. But, as history resources seldom become completely useless overtime, depending on your project, this and Paetow are still worth knowing about and using.

Crosby, Medieval Studies, a Bibliographical Guide, Remote Storage, Z 5579.5 .C76 1983. General bibliography on the period. Both topical chapters and chapters on the period in different countries. Points to other bibliographies, general works, collections of sources, in many disciplines, not only just history.

Powell, Medieval Studies, an Introduction, Remote Storage D116 .M4 1992. Bibliographic essay format, with chapters on a range of medieval topics: Latin paleography, diplomacy, archaeology, art, English literature, law, science and natural philosophy, music, chronology, numismatics, Latin philosophies, computer assisted analysis of statistical documents of medieval life. Each chapter concludes with a bibliography of the works discussed.

Caenegem, Guide to the Sources of Medieval History, Main D 117 .C2213. Points to traditional primary, medieval sources from church records, legal records, charters and administrative records, governmental records, fiscal and socio-economic records. Info on libraries and archives and their holdings, as of the late 1970s. Great collections and repertories of sources. Reference works.

Caenegem, Manuel des Etudes Medievales, Main D 117 .C23313 1997. Guide to Sources of Medieval History in French, a revision of the above, I think. Unfortunately, no table of contents. Mysteriouse! Useful to those whose French is très bon!

Medieval Women and the Sources of Medieval History, Main HQ 1143 .M44 1990. Bibliographic essay format, with chapters by specialists on some very specialized and not so specialized topics, such as: sexual equality in canon law, German source collections in Salzburg, men and women in monasticism, sources on towns in northern Italy, the medieval literature of obstetrics and gynecology, English medieval women and legal history, saints' lives, old Norse sources on women, coinage and women, sources about women in Mediterranean archives, women's history from Anglo-Saxon sources, and women's history from hostile sources, on researching Beguines. Bibliographies conclude chapters.

History Highway, a 21st Century Guide to Internet Resources.  Remote Storage D 16.117 .H55 2006  Also DMC 4th floor West D 16.117 .H55 CD ROM.  Chapter on medieval history web sites, pp. 43-57.

ORB, Online Reference Book for Medieval Studies, Contains 1) ORB Encyclopedia, a chronological and geographical index of essays, bibliographies, images, documents, links and other resources, 2) ORB Textbook Library of full-length texts in medieval studies for classroom use, 3) ORB Reference Shelf of links to excerpts and full texts from primary and secondary sources in ORB or elsewhere on the internet, 4) Resources for Teaching, such as subject bibliographies, 5) external links to other web sites, 6) resources for non-specialists, 7) E-Texts, new transcriptions and/or translations of important medieval texts that have not previously been accessible in print or electronic format. There are also links to several other principal medieval studies web sites: Labyrinth, Internet Medieval Sourcebook, Netserf, Argos, World Wide Web Virtual Library Medieval.

Marmor, Guide to the Literature of Art History 2. Art Library Reference N 380 .M374 2005

Arntzen and Rainwater, Guide to the Literature of Art History. Art Library Reference N 380 f.A9. Published in 1980, the classic guide to art history research. Bibliography, histories, dictionaries and encyclopedias by country, Christian iconography sources, medieval sources and documents, and recommendations of works on Carolingian through Gothic architecture, sculpture, painting, decorative arts.

Jones, Art Information and the Internet, How to Find It, How to Use It, Remote Storage N 59 .J66 1999. More up to date. Web sites, plus steps to using the web and supplementing it with print information. Chapters on art styles and periods, researching artists and particular works of art, and on genres of art (architecture, decorative arts, costume).

Pollard, Visual Arts Research, Remote Storage, N 85 .P55 1986. A guide to how to do research in the art and art history field.