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Women in Medieval Society: Book Length Bibliographies

This is a guide to researching women in the Middle Ages in England and Western Europe

Book Length Bibliographies

Scholarly experts compile bibliographies.  They describe, and sometimes annotate, works to read on a particular topic, in either list or bibliographic essay form.  The books here are older.  Be sure to use annual bibliographies and indexes to articles or newer encyclopedia/dictionary entries to find more recently written materials! 

Farrar, Bibliography of English Translations from Medieval Sources, Main Z 6517 .F3 and supplement, Z 6517 .F47

Women in Western European History, a Select Chronological, Geographical, and Topical Bibliography from Antiquity to the French Revolution, Remote Storage HQ 1587 .F7 1982b, v. 1 c. 2 and 1986 Supp.

Women of England from Anglo-Saxon Times to the Present, Interpretive Bibliographic Essays, Main HQ 1599 .E5 W65 c. 2

History of Women in Germany from Medieval Times to the Present, Bibliography of English-Language Publications, Main HQ 1623 .C64 1990

Index to Women's Studies Anthologies, Research Across the Disciplines, 1985-89, Remote Storage HQ 1180 .B76 1996. Author, editor, subject, and keyword indexes to anthologies in women's studies, works that have chapters by various individuals.

Medioevo Latino, Bollettino Bibliografico della Cultura Europea da Secolo VI al XV, Remote Storage Z 6203 .M43