EEBO, Early English Books Online, see link with content annotation at bottom of this page. EEBO
Medieval Family Life, the Paston, Cely, Plumpton, Stonor and Armburgh Papers
This resource contains full colour images of the original medieval manuscripts that comprise these family letter collections along with full text searchable transcripts from the printed editions, where they are available. The original images and the transcriptions can be viewed side by side.
French Books Before 1601, film set 4265. In Remote Storage. Search Books and Media by call number putting in the call number like this: 4265 Microfilm. Look for the "Get This" button in the entry to ask to have films brought out from Remote Storage to the Circulation desk to use. Or, e-mail to request. Not all titles in this film set have entries in our online catalog. There is a notebook containing lists of the contents on each film reel in Consulting Reference Z 2162 .F7 1965. The set contains copies of books printed in France prior to 1601.
British Isles Online Primary Resources
This is a guide to the major electronic resources M.S.U. Libraries has bought or is subscribing to about/from the British Isles.
Provides modernized English language texts for major primary sources in English history from 500 to 1914, including American Colonial era documents. Browse by subjects (technology, foreign affairs, etc.), chronological timeline, or by original published volume order. Search by keyword or use advanced search for specific document title, personal name, or place name. Based on the print series (Main DA 26 .E55) edited by David C. Douglas.
Some of the full text items in EEBO have been marked up so as to be searchable by individual words in their texts by the TCP, Text Creation Partnership Project, at the University of Michigan, which is supported by M.S.U. and other libraries. Use the EEBO TCP entry in MSU Libraries' Electronic Resources to access this version of the database. Here it is possible to enter modern spellings of words and retrieve words from ye olden days.
Not every item for which bibliographical details are present in EEBO has full text available here. In these cases, one must use the microfilm reel referred to in the entry by reel and position number. M.S.U. Libraries has the three microfilm sets mentioned: STC I, STC II, and the Thomason Tracts.STC I (this is the call number) contains items printed up through 1640.STC II (this is the call number) contains items printed from 1641-1700.14458 (this is the call number) contains items in the Thomason Tracts, a set of broadsides from the English Civil War, 1640-1660.Go to Hollander MakeCentral, 2nd floor west wing.
ESTC is a publicly available online bibliographical database containing library locations for the actual early printed works from the 1470s to 1800.
These are the printed bibliographies from which the film sets were made:Pollard and Redgrave, Short-Title Catalogue of Books Printed in England, Scotland, and Ireland and of English Books Printed Abroad, 1475-1640, Main and Consulting Reference Z 2002 .A27 and oversize Z 2002 .A27 1976.Wing, Short-Title Catalogue of Books Printed in England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, and British America, and of English Books Printed in Other Countries, 1641-1700, Consulting Reference Z 2002 .W52 and Main Z 2002 .W52 1994.Thomason Tracts, 1640-1661..., Main Z 2018 .T49 1981.
While including only the end of the medieval period, any number of medieval primary sources had their first printed editions during 1475-1700.