WorldCat is the public use version of OCLC, which contains catalog records for books in libraries across America. Useful for bibliographic verification prior to requesting interlibrary loan or to find bibliographical details and then use our online catalog.
Library of Congress catalogs. Printed National Union Catalog Pre-56 Imprints and succeeding volumes Consulting Reference Z 881 .A1 U52. Main entry (author or title) and subject access.
British Library Catalogue. Printed British Museum/Library Catalogues, Consulting Reference Z 921 .B87 and succeeding volumes. Main entry (author/title) and subject access.
Bodleian Library Catalogue. University of Oxford. Their finding aids site.
Bibliotheque Nationale de France Catalogue. Printed Bibliotheque National de France catalogues in Remote Storage Z 2161 .A26 to .A37.
Center for Research Libraries' Catalogue. A library for libraries holding much primary source material in microformat which is borrowed through interlibrary loan. To request an interlibrary loan use Interlibrary Services.