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Michigan State University

Latin American History Guide: Find Books

Spring 2021 Book Borrowing Policy

*** STUDENTS MAY STILL BORROW PRINT LIBRARY BOOKS***  For any students with off-campus mailing addresses, we can MAIL BOOKS to you. On campus students please contact Circulation at 517-355-2333 or email for information on delivery and pick up options,

Find Books & Other Materials

MSU Libraries' Catalog (Advanced search option)

Use to find books, journals, videos, music CDs, and other materials owned by the library. Not for finding articles!

Try UBorrow when the book you need is checked out or not owned by MSU Libraries. UBorrow offers 12 week loan periods and 72-hour business day turnaround.

MSU Libraries Home Page Search

The home page search allows users to search most of the library's article databases, the catalog, and the Libraries' web site all at the same time. Results are presented in a bento box style display. Tutorial


Results can be filtered by date, language, subject, and content type -- such as books, articles in scholarly journals, or newspaper articles.

Beyond MSU


WorldCat is a catalog of books and other materials held in libraries worldwide. Seamless links to our interlibrary loan system enable you to request items not held in MSU Libraries' collection.

Center for Research Libraries

"CRL is a consortium of North American research libraries that acquires and preserves traditional and digital resources for research and teaching and makes them available to member institutions through interlibrary loan and electronic delivery." Its collections contain over four million newspapers, journals, dissertations, archives, and government publications, with special strengths in foreign materials. In addition to its online catalog, utilize searchable special collections databases (foreign newspapers, foreign doctoral dissertations, etc.) as needed.

What constitutes "common knowledge" and when must I cite a source?

Scroll down to Terms You Need to Know (or What is Common Knowledge?) courtesy of Indiana University's Writing Tutorial Services.

Oxford Bibliographies

Authoritative guides leading to recommended scholarly resources. The subject module for Latin American Studies is organized into 87 topics, each beginning with a brief introductory essay.

Is the book you need checked out?

Try UBorrow!


Ask Mary Jo Zeter
Latin American & Caribbean Studies Bibliographer

Finding Historiographies in the Catalog

Use this Advanced Keyword Search command:

SUBJECT: historiography
AND  Any Field:  [term]