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Latin American History Guide: Printed Guides

Selected Guides

A Guide to Latin American and Caribbean Census Material : A Bibliography and Union List. Carole Travis, General Editor. Boston, MA: G.K. Hall, 1990.
[HA755 .G85 1990 Remote Storage]

Latin America and the Caribbean: A Critical Guide to Research Sources. Edited by Paula Covington and David Block. New York: Greenwood Press, 1992.
[F1408 .L3225 1992 Main Stacks]

Excellent resource organized by social science and humanities disciplines. Critical essays are followed by disciplinary bibliographies, listed by country or area. Important archival and library collections are identified as well.

Latin America: A Guide to the Historical Literature. Charles C. Griffin. Austin: University of Texas Press, c1971.
[Z1601 .G75 Main Stacks]

Despite its age, still considered a valuable resource. Sources listed by country, within a broad chronological arrangement.

Latin American Studies: A Basic Guide to Sources. Edited by Robert A. McNeil. 2nd ed. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1990.
[F1408 .L324 1990 Main Stacks]

Organized by resource type, such as newspapers, subject bibliographies, and statistics. Also includes information on library and archival collections.

Research Guide to Central America and the Caribbean. Edited by Kenneth J. Grieb. Madison, Wis.: University of Wisconsin Press, 1985.
[F2161 .R47 1985 Main Stacks]

Research Tools for Latin American Historians: A Select Annotated Bibliography. David P. Werlich. New York: Garland, 1980.
[Z1601 .W47 Main Stacks]


Ask Mary Jo Zeter
Latin American & Caribbean Studies Bibliographer