Slavery and Remembrance: A Guide to Sites, Museums, and Memory.
The Atlantic Slave Trade in Two Minutes
This interactive website ". . .gives you a sense of the scale of the trans-Atlantic slave trade across time, as well as the flow of transport and eventual destinations." Animates more than twenty thousand voyages extracted from Slave Voyages: The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database.
Atlantic Slave Trade and Slave Life in the Americas: A Visual Record
British Records on the Atlantic World, 1700-1900
Includes archival materials such as journals, correspondence, official records, and personal papers over a two hundred year period, all related to British involvement in the Atlantic region, including Africa and the Americas. Brings together collections about Britain's colonial, commercial, and missionary relationships with Africa and the Americas.
Slave Societies Digital Archive (Vanderbilt University)
Presents materials from church and parish archives in Brazil, Colombia, Cuba and Spanish Florida, and secular documents. Formerly the Ecclesiastical Sources in Slave Societies Project.
Slavery, Abolition & Social Justice, 1490-2007
Documents key aspects of the history of slavery worldwide over six centuries. Topics covered include the African Coast, the Middle Passage, the varieties of slave experience, religion, revolts, abolition, and legislation. The collection also includes case studies from America, the Caribbean, Brazil, and Cuba.
Slavery & Anti-Slavery: A Transnational Archive
Contents: Pt. 1. Debates over Slavery and Abolition. pt. 2. Slave Trade in the Atlantic World. pt.3. The Institution of Slavery. pt. 4. The Age of Emancipation. (Searches may be limited to one part.)
Slavery and Anti-Slavery includes documents from the United States and Europe, as well as other parts of the world. In addition to newspaper collections and books published in the antebellum era, Slavery and Anti-Slavery contains documents from several archives originally available only on microfilm.
Slave Biographies: Atlantic Database Network (MATRIX: The Center for Digital Humanities & Social Sciences, Michigan State University)
Access three data sets: one about slaves in Maranhão, Brazil, one about slaves in colonial Louisiana, and another about freed slaves in Antebellum Louisiana. Includes the names, ethnicities, skills, occupations, and illnesses of individual slaves.
Slave Movement During the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
For Latin America, the data on the slave trade is mostly from Havana and Rio de Janeiro.
Slave Voyages: The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database and more
A comprehensive, searchable database of information including ships, captains, number of crew and slaves, place where slaves were taken and landed, where they were sold, and if anything unusual happened during the voyage. Also links to the Intra-American Slave Trade Database, the African Names Database, and Image Galleries.
Ask Mary Jo Zeter
Latin American & Caribbean Studies Bibliographer