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MSU Extension - Resources for Organizational Development: Welcome

This is a guide to the many resources and services available to Extension personnel and Educators in Michigan. It is intended for you to be able to easily locate and utilize electronic and print resources.



This is a guide to the many resources and services available to Extension personnel and Educators in Michigan. It is intended for you to be able to easily locate and utilize electronic and print resources. Mostly electronic resources are identified and linked in, but there may be many other applicable items in print and can be requested through interlibrary loan.

If you know of a resource or a need that is not addressed here, please contact Suzanne.

I'm off campus - how do I get stuff?

Barcode All MSU personnel  (excluding affiliate groups) can use and request Library print materials. Requested materials will be sent to you through UPS and a return UPS label will be included so you can drop it off at a UPS store to return it, free of charge.
Please register in ILLiad as a Distance User. Link: ILLiad – InterLibrary Loan form.

Articles - Refresher

  • Articles contain the most current information published in a field of study. The Library Catalog contains the journal titles to all of the print and electronic format journals to which we subscribe.  The Catalog does not list the articles within the journals.  Articles are in article databases.

Quick Links for Extension

MSU Guides

MSU Libraries (MSUL) have research guides (LibGuides) to subject areas identifying books, ebook, article databases, reference materials and other items that are available through MSUL.

Research Guides

I create and maintain all the Agriculture, agricultural economics, and plant science guides.

National Extension Foundation Sites

Librarian-Extension Liaison

Profile Photo
Suzanne Teghtmeyer
Main Library
366 W. Circle Dr.
East Lansing, MI 48824

Orcid ID