Things to do if your Stable Link is not working as expected:
- If your Stable Link includes in the URL, change the "1" to a "2."
- If your Stable Link includes in the URL, change the "2" to a "1."
- When adding to the front of your URL to create your stable link, ensure there are no spaces between the "=" and the start of your URL and check for any additional typos that may have resulted from copying and pasting, etc.
- When adding to the front of your URL to create your stable link, ensure no other proxy information (i.e. or is included anywhere in the URL, as repeating proxy information could cause links to not work properly.
- Ensure your link does not include the text sessmgr or something similar that refers to session, as this likely means the URL is session specific or dynamic and will not work consistently.
- When adding your stable link to a D2L course, ensure you have copied and pasted the full link correctly with no extra spaces at the start or end of the URL. It is recommended you test access to the URL after adding it to D2L to make sure it works as expected.
- Still not working? Contact Discovery Services for additional help.