The Maps Library is on 2nd floor of the East wing of the Main Library. It has a sizeable atlas collection. Some of the atlases noted here are in the Maps Library. Ask for help at their Desk.
Times Atlas of World History, Maps Supersize Atlas, G 1030 f.T58 1989. Just in case you want to see history, mapped.
Atlas of World History, Maps Atlas Podium G 1030 .A876 2010
Historical Maps on File, Maps Circulating Collection G 1030 .M37 1984. Useful for maps to photocopy.
Antique and Medieval Atlas, This site contains historical maps of Europe, Africa, and Asia showing political status at the beginning of each century from A.D. 1 to A.D. 1500. Part of ORB, Online Reference Book for Medieval Studies.
Odden's Bookmarks, Extensive site at Utrecht University providing a searchable list of more than 20,000 links to cartographic sites, map collections, and other map resources.
Perry-Castaneda Map Collection, Historical Map Web Sites, Compiled by the map library at University of Texas, this site offers an extensive list of links to historical map web sites. Click on their collection (or other sites).
Hardwick, Literary Atlas and Gazetteer of the British Isles, Main PR 109 .H29
Goode and Shannon, Atlas of English Literature, Main PR 109 .G6.
Atlas of the Christian Church, Main BR 98 f.A74 1987. The most recent of the religion atlases included here. More text and pictures than maps.
Littell, Macmillan Atlas History of Christianity, Maps Circulating Collection G 1046 .E4 1976. Offering some text and pictures, but many more detailed maps than the above work. 68 pages cover from the Council of Chalcedon in 451 to the fall of Constantinople in 1453.
Anderson, Augsburg Historical Atlas of Christianity in the Middle Ages and Reformation, Maps Circulating Collection G 1796 .E4 A5. Older and more basic presentation than the above works. First 39 pages cover the medieval period.