Kren, Medieval Science and Technology, a Selected, Annotated Bibliography, Main, Z 7405 .H6 K74 1985. Annotated bibliography of books and articles (mostly) covering general works; research aids; physical science and natural philosophy; philosophy, metaphysics, method, and logic; mathematics; human and veterinary medicine; psychology; natural history; technology; education (schools and universities); and quasiscience (astrology, alchemy, magic, divination). Also some articles cited on manuscripts.
Information Sources in the History of Science and Medicine, Main, Z 6658 .I49 1983. Bibliographical essays by various scholars with extensive bibliographies. Chapters in part I cover various branches of science and relation of the sciences to other disciplines. Chapters in part II covers bibliographical sources, periodical literature and societies, and research methods and sources. Chapters in part III contains "Recent trends in the study of medieval and Renaissance science," among others. Chapters in Part IV cover history of science other parts of the world than Europe, for instance, Islamic science.
Jayawardene, Reference Books for the Historian of Science, a Handlist, Main, Z 7405 .H6 J4. This is a guide to general reference sources which might be useful to scholars in the history of science. These are generally not cited in as great numbers in the more specialized guides in this section here. Annotated, covers a mix of books and articles (more books), on such topics as biography of scientists and historians of science, museums, scientific manuscripts and archives, exhibitions, reference sources in the discipline of history, and general reference works, such as early printed books and national bibliographies.
Sarton, Guide to the History of Science, a First Guide for the Study of the History of Science, with Introductory Essays on Science and Tradition, Main, Q 125 .S24 c. 3. A 1952 work, by on of the greats in this field. Selectively annotated. pp. 137-139 on the middle ages. Also chapters on each scientific field, scientific libraries, congresses, journals, catalogs, indexes, reference books.
Rider, History of Science and Technology, a Select Bibliography for Students, Main, Z 7405 .H6 R5. Very select, only 62 pp. Published 1967. See pp, 40-41 for medieval and Renaissance period, also chapter on various branches of science. Covers books and is selectively annotated.