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Medieval West - Reference Sources: Book Length Bibliographies - General and History

This is a guide to reference sources on the medieval West: guides to the literature, periodical indexes, encyclopedias/dictionaries, atlases/maps, biography, book length bibliographies. Last updated 06-13-2023

Book Length Bibliographies - General and History

Bibliographies list, and sometimes describe, good books and articles to read on a topic. However, note the date of publication. No materials written after the date of publication can possibly be included. Use the indexes and annual bibliographies, above, to find material written more recently.

Atiya, Crusade, Historiography and Bibliography, Main, Z 6207.C97 A8

Bak, Medieval Narrative Sources, a Chronological Guide, Main, D 113 .B3 1987

Bibliographie de l'Histoire Medievale en France (1965-1990), Main, DC 33.2 .H56 1992

Bibliography of English History to 1485, Main, Z 2017 .B5

Corpus Christianorum. Continuatio Mediaevalis, Main, BR 60 .C493. The medieval continuation of a series which provides definitive texts of Christian authors. Either use the online catalog under the series name and scroll or search by the author's name whose work you seek.

Davidson, Pilgrimage in the Middle Ages, a Research Guide, Main, BV 5067 .D38 1993

Ferguson, Europe in Transition, a Select, Annotated Bibliography of the Twelfth-Century Renaissance, Main, Z 6203 .S28

Farrar, Bibliography of English Translations from Medieval Sources, Main, Z 6517 .F3 and supplement, Main Z 6517 .F47

Friedman, Medieval Iconography, a Research Guide, Fine Arts, Art-Ref., NX 449 .F75 1998. More resources in Fine Arts Library

Murphy, Medieval Rhetoric, a Select Bibliography, Main, Z 7004 .R5 M87 1989. Bibliographic references on writing and speaking in the early and high Middle Ages, letter writing, poetics and grammar, sermon theory, university disputation and scholastic method, various sources, and the Renaissance. Includes also a basic library for study of medieval rhetoric.

Boyle, Medieval Latin Paleography, a Bibliographical Introduction, Main, Z 106 .B69 1984.

Henderson, Select Historical Documents of the Middle Ages, Main, D 113 .H49. Major documents, such as Rule of St. Benedict.

History of Women in Germany from Medieval Times to the Present, Bibliography of English-Languages Publications, Main and Consulting Ref., HQ 1623 .C64 1990

Index to Women's Studies Anthologies, Research Across the Disciplines, 1980-84 and 1985-89, Reference, HQ 1180 .B76 1994 and 1996. Author, editor, subject, and keyword indexes to anthologies in women's studies, works with chapters by various individuals.

Kohl, Renaissance Humanism, 1300-1550, a Bibliography of Materials in English, Main, Z 7128 .H9 K64 1985

Medieval Women Writers, Main, PN 667 .M43 1984

Potthast, Bibliotheca Historical Medii Aevi, Main, Z 6203 .P87. A late 19th c. attempt to provide a comprehensive bibliography on medieval history. Updated by Toronto Medieval Bibliographies, see below.

Ricci, Census of Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts in the United States and Canada, Main, Z 6620 .U5 R5 and Suppl.

Rouse, Serial Bibliographies for Medieval Studies, Main, Z 6203 .R66

Rosenthal, Anglo-Saxon History, an Annotated Bibliography, Main, Z 2017 .R67 1985

Altschul, Anglo-Norman England, 1066-1154, Main, Z 2017 .A43. Unannotated. Points to books and articles on history of the period; other useful reference sources and bibliographies; constitutional/administrative history; political history; relations with nearby countries, social, economic, agricultural, military/naval, religious, and intellectual history; science/technology; history of the arts.

Wilkinson, High Middle Ages in England, 1154-1377, Main, Z 2017 .W54

Rosenthal, Late Medieval England, 1377-1485, a Bibliography of Historical Scholarship 1975-1989, Main, DA 425 .R67 2003. Points to books and articles on general history of the period; other reference works and bibliographies; edited volumes; collected papers; political, diplomatic, military, constitutional, social, economic, urban, rural, agrarian, manorial, religious, and intellectual history; fine arts and crafts; medicine, science, and technology.

Sheehan, Domestic Society in Medieval Europe, a Select Bibliography, Main, HQ 572 .S34 1990

Salisbury, Medieval Sexuality, a Research Guide, Main, HQ 14 .S3 1990.

Williams, Index of Mediaeval Studies Published in Festschriften, 1865-1946, with Special Reference to Romanic Material, Main, Z 6203 .W5

Women in Western European History, a Select Chronological, Geographical, and Topical Bibliography from Antiquity to the French Revolution, Ref., HQ 1587 .F7 1982b, v. 1 c. 2 and 1986 Supp.

Women of England from Anglo-Saxon Times to the Present, Interpretive Bibliographic Essays, Ref., HQ 1599 .E5 W65 c. 2

Crosby, Medieval Warfare, a Bibliographical Guide, Main, U 37 .C7 2000.

DeVries, Cumulative Bibliography of Medieval Military History and Technology, Main, U 37 .D42 2002.

Mostert, Bibliography of Works on Medieval Communication, Main P 91 .M67 2012  Points to works or oral and written communication, the visual, music, gestures, rituals, teaching, book production, scripts, etc.