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Medieval West - Reference Sources: Guides to the Literature - Religion

This is a guide to reference sources on the medieval West: guides to the literature, periodical indexes, encyclopedias/dictionaries, atlases/maps, biography, book length bibliographies. Last updated 06-13-2023

Guides to the Literature - Religion

Gorman and Gorman, Theological and Religious Reference Materials, Systematic Theology and Church History, Main, Z 7770 .G663 1985. Annotated references to a great many bibliographies and dictionaries and handbooks in church history and on religious orders. Many of the works on church history are already described in this guide, but not the ones on religious orders.

Whitford, ed. Reformation and Early Modern Europe, a Guide to Research, Main BR 305.3 .R42 2008 Bibliographic essays by many scholars. Three parts: Confessional trends (Lutheran, Reformed, Catholic, Radical, Jewish), regional trends (Central Europe, France, Italy, England, The Netherlands, Spain, Swiss), and social/cultural trends (popular religion, witchcraft, society and sexes, art history, books and printing).