Medieval England, an Encyclopedia, Reference, DA 129 .M43 1998. Topical and biographical entries. See women, women and the arts, women in middle English literature, women in old English literature. Both primary and secondary further reading references.
Historical Dictionary of Late Medieval England, 1272-1485, Main DA 175 .H56 2002. Biographical and topical articles with further reading references. See women, marriage, monasticism. Also has a subject index.
New Arthurian Encyclopedia, Main DA 152.5 .A7 N48 1996. Comprehensive and critical treatment of Arthurian subjects, artists, and works, both medieval and modern, in all languages. Deals with Arthuriana of all periods, from earliest legends and texts to the present.
Encyclopedia of Medieval Dress and Textiles in the British Isles 450-1450. Main GT 732 .E53 2012 Covers materials, techniques, and styles and their changes. Focuses on the British Isles but considers some comparative material from elsewhere. Deals with secular, eccclesiastical, and military dress, its changes over time, and the concept of fashion. Considers manufacturing techniques, people who produced the goods and the equipment used. Deals with the sources: archaeological, documentary and artistic.
Palgrave Dictionary of Medieval Anglo-Jewish History Main DS 135 .E5 P35 2013 Covers approximately 1136-1290. Contains an overview essay, statutory and other key documents, and topographical, biographical and general entries. The entries variy in length. Extensive bibliography. Illustrated.
Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Anglo-Saxon England