Morton's Medical Bibliography, an Annotated Check-list of Texts Illustrating the History of Medicine, Reference, R 131 .M67 1991. See pp. 1001-1002, 790-793, as well as the chapters on medicine in various countries. See too the chapters on the histories of the various medical specialties; works in these sections are arranged by time period in which they were originally written or are about. Life dates of authors are given. Annotated. Covers primarily books.
Bibliography of the History of Medicine, Main, Z 6658 .U525. We have print volumes, 1969-1993. Published by NLM, the U.S. National Library of Medicine. Separate section for collective and individual biographies. The former arranged by historical period (see 500-1450 A.D.); the latter arranged by biographical subject. List of diseases indexed. Also a subject index. See most any subject and look within it for the medieval period 500-1450. Indexes both books and articles. No annotations. Author index in back.
Thornton's Medical Books, Libraries and Collectors, a Study of Bibliography and the Book Trade in Relation to the Medical Sciences, Main, Z 286 .M4 T47 1990. See esp. pp. 1-42 which discuss the literature of medicine prior to invention of machine printing and medical incunabula (medical books printed in the early days of machine printing, prior to 1500), and pp. 345-349 in the bibliography.
Morton and Moore, Bibliography of Medical and Biomedical Biography, Reference, R 134 .M67 1994. Alphabetical arrangement of famous medical personages, with life dates and one line biographies. Underneath find one or more bibliographical references to work(s) on the individual. Also contains a short list of collective biographies and 15 pp. bibliography of books on the history of medicine and related subjects.
Current Work in the History of Medicine, Main, R 131 .A1 C8. Covers 1961-1991.
Chaff, et. al. Women in Medicine, a Bibliography on the Literature on Women Physicians, Main, Z 7963 .M43 W65 v. 1. See subject index under Middle Ages, p. 1038 as well as other topics.
History of Mathematics from Antiquity to the Present, a Selective Annotated Bibliography, Digital/Media, 4th floor West, QA 21 .D38 2000. 1985 edition in Main, QA 21 .D38 1985.
Reader's Guide to the History of Science. Ed. by Arne Hessenbruch. Main Q 125 .R335 2000 Dictionary arrangement, with bibliographical essays on topics, people, places.