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Medieval West - Reference Sources: Encyclopedias and Dictionaries - Literature

This is a guide to reference sources on the medieval West: guides to the literature, periodical indexes, encyclopedias/dictionaries, atlases/maps, biography, book length bibliographies. Last updated 06-13-2023

Encyclopedias and Dictionaries - Literature

Encyclopedia of Medieval Literature Main PN 669 .E53 2000

Encyclopedia of Medieval Literature in Britain Main PR 260 .E53 2017 v. 1-4

Over 600 authoritative entries on key figures, texts, critical debates, methodologies, cultural and historical contexts, related terminology, and influences in the literatures of Britain from the fifth to the sixteenth centuries. Represents all the literatures of the British Isles including Old and Middle English, Early Scots, Anglo-Norman, the Norse, Latin and French of Britain, and the Celtic Literatures of Wales, Ireland, Scotland and Cornwall.  Covers the material remains of Medieval British literature, including manuscripts and early prints, literary sites and contexts of production, performance and reception as well as highlighting narrative transformations and intertextual links during the period.

Oxford Handbook of Medieval Literature in English  Main PR 255 .O95 2010

Oxford Companion to English Literature, Main, PR 19 .O94 2006 and older editions.  Short entries on people and topics, with minimal further reading references.

Cambridge History of Medieval English Literature, Main, PR 255 .C35 1999.

Greenfield, New Critical History of Old English Literature, Main, PR 173 .G73 1986.

New Pelican Guide to English Literature, Vol. 1 pt. 2, Medieval Literature, the European Inheritance, Main, PR 85 .F6 1982 v. 1 pt. 2.

Historical Dictionary of British Theatre, Early Period, Main PN 2581 .G73 2013

New Oxford Companion to Literature in French, Reference, PQ 41 .N48 1995 Short entries on people and topics, with minimal further reading references.

Dictionnaire des Litteratures de Langue Francaise, Main PQ .D533 1984 v. 1-4. Covers medieval literature to contemporary times. Signed entries. Entries on topics, authors, themes. Entries for major authors are very full and include bibliographies.

Feminist Encyclopedia of French Literature, Main PQ 149 .F47 1999. Topical and biographical entries with bibliographical references for further reading, including both works by the authors and works about them and their works.

New History of French Literature, Main, PQ 119 .N48 1989 (rpt. 1994). In English. A French language edition in Main, PQ 119 .N4814 1993.